Yugoslav wars casualties
Yugoslav wars casualties

yugoslav wars casualties

During and since that period, the Prosecutor has received numerous requests that she investigate allegations that senior political and military figures from NATO countries committed serious violations of international humanitarian law during the campaign, and that she prepares indictments pursuant to Article 18(1) & (4) of the Statute.

  • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) conducted a bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) from 24 March 1999 to 9 June 1999.
  • The Attack on Korisa Village on 13/5/99.
  • The Attack on the Chinese Embassyon 7/5/99.
  • The Attack on the RTS (Serbian Radio and TV Station) in Belgrade on 23/4/99.
  • The Attack on the Djakovica Convoy on 14/4/99.
  • yugoslav wars casualties

  • The Attack on a Civilian Passenger Train at the Grdelica Gorge on 12/4/99.
  • General Assessment of the Bombing Campaign.
  • Linkage Between Law Concerning Recourse to Force and Law Concerning How Force May Be Used.
  • Legal Issues Related to Target Selection.

  • Yugoslav wars casualties